Dear friends,

I am taking the time to reach out to bring to your attention something so important – the dire situation of our displaced brothers and sisters in Iraq. We all have truly been blessed to live the life we were given. Our people in Iraq unfortunately have not been given this same opportunity. It is such a wonderful thing when our community comes together and helps humanity especially during these tragic times. It starts with organizations like, who work towards allowing generous hearts to give to those less fortunate.

The volunteer group of healthcare professionals: Medical Emergency Relief for Christians of Iraq (MERCI), a branch of, focuses primarily on maintaining and providing basic medical care to those in need. Through MERCI, our community has united to set up multiple medical clinics in the cities of Iraq that comprise the majority of displaced Iraqi Christians. Through these clinics, where physicians and other healthcare professionals work on a voluntary basis, so our Iraqi family can receive Medical care, physician examinations and essential prescription drugs in which would otherwise be neglected. Many of our brothers and sisters are being kept alive and healthy by these medical facilities. As we all know, medical care is very expensive, this is why I am humbly calling upon you as a friend for help financially. There is no better time to donate to this cause. All proceeds will be 100% donated to the medical clinics and your generosity can truly make a difference.

With Thanksgiving approaching, we can reflect on our own lives. Thankful for all that we have, it is our duty to give back to our brothers and sisters who have not been as fortunate in this lifetime. I urge you to sponsor this event, the MERCI cause, and more specifically our Iraqi brothers and sisters’ health and well-being. Our Chaldean community has a beautiful way of coming together and supporting each other. Please call on your friends and family to also become a sponsor of MERCI and donate to this cause.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta once said, “Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” Give because we have been given so much. Thank you for taking the time to consider sponsoring this event. May God bless you with abundant love, health and happiness.