Soul Food And Renee

Whether you are a regular attendee at mass, a lukewarm Catholic or someone who is struggling with their faith, please consider Soul Food & Renee as a road to reviving your faith in God through food and in depth conversation.  The idea of Soul Food & Renee is looking to connect you through an outlet that is sure to stimulate your palate and yearning for a greater closeness with God. The interviews are not scripted, the people are familiar and the recipes are tied to the topic. Soul Food & Renee hopes to ignite the flame in your heart and call each of us to a greater closeness to our Lord. As had been said “the mystery of seeking God is that He is the One who finds you”. Perhaps a connection will be made through Soul Food and Renee…let’s find out together. The first show will air on you tube on October 7,2016. You can access the show via Thank you and God bless you.