What is MATCHaldean all about?

Mission Statement:  to keep the Chaldean culture and community alive by confidentially connecting compatible Chaldeans.
MATCHaldean is a private and personalized matchmaking service that connects like-minded single Chaldeans who might not have the chance to meet otherwise.  This is for men and women who are serious about finding someone to marry.  We want Chaldeans to meet and marry Chaldeans so our community can stay together.  At MATCHaldean, each person remains completely confidential and our matchmaker will personally find each a match.  The business model was created by attorney Brent Sitto, and is run by Theresa Sitto who is a retired ESL teacher who has a Masters in Aramaic Studies from WSU, and the founder of the former Chaldean American Youth Club.
We understand that dating is often not an easy subject for Chaldeans to discuss, especially among the more traditional.  With that in mind, the aim of this service was to eliminate the worries the community associates with dating.  Everyone in MATCHaldean remains anonymous, everyone meets with the matchmaker who checks identification and divorce papers, if applicable, no last names or contact information are given out unless both people tell the matchmaker to do so.  As Chaldeans have become more assimilated into American culture, many Chaldeans have been marrying into other cultures and ethnicities, many have been going to online dating sites where no one checks id or if applicable, divorce/annulment papers, and many frequent bars and nightclubs.  MATCHaldean offers a safe and professional alternative to bring Chaldeans together to meet for coffee or at a restaurant.
Hundreds of Chaldean men and women have signed up with us since July, 2009.  There is clearly a demand for the services we provide and our clients always mention how grateful they are for finally having a better way to meet other Chaldeans.  Some of these clients used to believe that they would not be able to find and marry a Chaldean similar to themselves.  Many of the women have said that they would be willing to marry non-Chaldeans but that they preferred Chaldean, which is why we have made it our mission to bring these Chaldeans together and keep our community thriving.
We encourage you to visit www.matchaldean.com for more information
Contact Theresa Sitto at 248-421-7959  Email:  matchmaker@matchaldean.com
MATCHaldean, LLC